Wickham Market Movies

With its big screen and full sound system, Wickham Market Movies is regularly showing feature films at the Village  Hall – on the 3rd Saturday of every month.

Our next movie show will be “One Life”  This is the true story of how Nicholas Winton saved hundreds of Jewish children from the Nazis at the start of the Second World War.  It is beautifully told and quite emotional, so bring a hanky.  It stars Anthony Hopkins and Johnny Flynn, and was directed by James Hawes.

109 Mins.  Cert: 12A

Please look out for our posters, and for the round robin sent out by the Wickham Market Partnership –  news@wickhammarket.com. Also, do get your name and email address added to our very own email list.  This will give you advanced notice of all our film shows. For access, please contact jane.simpson1@btinternet.com .

And follow us on www.facebook.com/wickhammarketmovies  and on www.nextdoor.co.uk